Wednesday, 10 September 2014

5 Video Analysis

As part of Becky's lesson, we had to choose 5 different music videos of different genres and state what we liked and disliked about them, and if the video included a narrative, what is was.

LIKE: The video is very simplistic, and in black and white. I think this was an effective technique for the video as it contributed to the simplistic approach and there is no bright colours to distract the audience from the song. The producer used several close-up shots of her mouth while she was lip-syncing and I feel although this is a simple feature, it keeps the audience engaged throughout the video. I also like how there is only 3 people that feature in the video, as too many people make it look too busy and tacky.
DISLIKE: There is no obvious narrative in the video, and this is a negative as a good narrative keeps the audience engage throughout the song and allows them to understand it more. There is also a choreographed dance all the way through the video, which makes it slightly cheesy.

LIKE: This video is purely narrative and tells a love story from start to end. From the video, I inferred that the narrative is about a man who feels like he has lost the love his girlfriend once gave him and therefore feels like he has lost the girl she once was. This would explain the MISSING posters in the video. The girl doesn't feel like she's lost who she is, and although trying constantly to get his attention, she cant. The end leaves it on a cliff hanger and is open to the audiences imagination. There's hardly any lip-syncing in the video, which helps the narrative flow nicely and it goes in chronological order- from day to night. 
DISLIKE: There is nothing I particularly dislike about this video, and this narrative type is an option for me in my own work. 

LIKE: The theme of the video fits the song well, and the main singer performed it accurately. Conventional of a pop video with all the bright colours.
DISLIKE: The video is very gaudy, with too much going on at times. However, this is very conventional of a pop video and therefore conforms to the conventions well. Katy constantly lip-syncs, and i'm not a fan of this in videos. I think its effective to only have the chorus or bridge performed, and have the main focus on the narrative. There appears to be no meaningful narrative throughout the video, and the meaning behind the song isn't clear. 

LIKE: The editing of the video fits the beat of the music perfectly, which makes it flow better and is therefore more effective. It's a really simplistic video using the same location throughout, but it's not boring at all as the editing is moving so fast, its keeps the attention of the audience. 
DISLIKE: It doesn't have a narrative, and although I think it works for this video, it would be more conventional to do so. 

LIKE: Originally, this was the song I was planning to produce my music video to, however, on discovering the song already had a video and then watching it, it was everything I envisioned my video to be so chose not to do it. The video is really warped and quite trippy, and this choppy editing really works with the song. The main person in the video's appearance deteriorates throughout and I would like to incorporate it into my video. 
DISLIKE: There's alot going on in the video, and I think it's verging on too much. Perhaps abit less being featured would be better 

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